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Thursday, December 13, 2012

Following God...

Following God is a tricky business. It means you don't know where you are going at times. It means you may not know why your going where your going. Yet you have supreme confidence in where you are being led. It means that you are going to be completely taken care of when you go. Yet you might not see how you are going to make money to live. It means you are completely secure. Yet still sometimes feel completely lost.

It seems that God led us here to the DR to work and fall in love, test our faith and relationships, grow and learn, and ultimately move on. Our plan was similar in the beginning. To live and work for 5 or more years building a camp and conference center for Eastern Dominican Christian Mission. To build relationships, start a family, grow, live, and learn together with our friends here in the DR. But sadly, our time here in the DR has  come to an end. The mission has decided to release us from our obligation here. They decided that this camp/conference center was a bad idea, for now and the foreseeable future. So we are moving on.

We are now following God back to Costa Rica, where he might have wanted us all along. More than a year ago, while I was in Costa Rica learning Spanish, I spent most of my evenings and some afternoons coaching and playing American Football. I had a blast passing on my knowledge and love of the sport to others. There was also a great opportunity to share the love of Christ with these young men as well. There was growth in both Christ and skill in the sport. It had potential to turn into a great ministry. A ministry only a handful of people are equipped to do. The team I was working with wanted me to stay, but I was already committed to a project in the DR. Now that I have been freed from my commitment to EDCM I can pursue something that God has equipped me for. We are heading back to Costa Rica to start a football ministry!!!

TDTD Ministries will be the name of this new ministry!!! This Day and That Day Ministries!! Working towards creating better football players, and Christian men, in Costa Rica!! I will be working towards creating a chaplaincy in the six team American football league in Costa Rica (Federacion de Futbol Americano de Costa Rica, More details to come!!

We are both full of emotions with this new direction. We are sad to leave the DR so quickly after making such good friends. At the same time we are very excited to be able to return to friends and family back in Costa Rica. Hopefully, with Gods help, this step will be the last big change we will have for awhile. Living, working, serving, and following God in Costa Rica!!

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