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Friday, December 10, 2010

Financial update

I had a great weekend with Christ's Church Camden last weekend. And with them on board I am now at about 45% of my monthly support goal!!! If you are or know a church that might be interested in supporting me as I work in the Dominican Republic send me a message.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

First Post

Well here it is! My new blog!

The goal of this blog is to keep all of my friends and family updated on how my life is going. I plan on updating this blog about once a month or as needed. As I live my life in the Dominican Republic I felt that I could keep everyone in the loop with my life if I started this blog.

So if all goes as planned I will be living in the DR by May. In the mean time I will be heading back down to Costa Rica on the 11th of January to finish my Spanish language training. Where I have 15 weeks left in a program I started in August of 2009. If all goes well I will finish up my last semester of this program in mid April.