Hi!!! My name is Andrew Butz I am a Christian man trying his best to live the way I think Christ would have me live. I know that sounds like something a crazy, Bible thumping, non-alcohol drinking, PG movie or lower watching, Bible belt person would say. I am none of those things. I'm more of an alternative person that takes what he believes seriously. I love good story telling in movies no matter the rating. I don't easily agree with most church going folks when it comes to the comfort we should allow ourselves to live in, and the lengths to which we should go to actually follow what the Bible says. I am trying my best to use who and what God has made me, to reach other people like me. What else can a man do?
My goal in life is to do my best to continually follow God, and do what He wants me to do. Making decisions through this lens has led me to work in a number of different ministries in my life (youth ministry, homeless ministries, after school programs, summer camps, and eventually living a life that I try to use as ministry). The types of ministry that I found fit me the best are youth/sports camps and overseas ministries. The adaptability that it takes to work day in and day out in such places fits me well. I have worked in some sort of summer camp or church camp almost every year of my life from 14 to 28 years old . I don't know of a better way to positively effect the life of a young man or woman than through a camp setting or sports team. There is something about the isolation of a camp, and the camaraderie of a team that can change someone forever, for better or worse. What draws me to overseas ministry is the overall adventure of it. You really never know what is going to happen, what you are going to see day to day.
These days my job with SCORE International, is to disciple young men that are involved in the sport of football in Costa Rica. My goal here is to use my influence and experience in football to teach men to be better (in life and football).