August has been a whirlwind!!! Really I don't know where to start. There were work teams, me traveling to Costa Rica and now wedding planning! The stress levels are at an all time high, but we are making progress!!!
Let me start with the two teams from Broadway Christian Church. They were such a big help!! We had the privilege of hosting two short term teams from Broadway back to back. One the end of July and the other the beginning of August.
First we had a team of youth led by their youth pastor Sonny Clark. |
Then we had a team of adults from two churches in the Matoon/Broadway area. (yes thats me in the background) |
The youth of Broadway focused on the youth of the DR. Hosting VBS's and a youth camp in Punta Cana. That week was filled with a bunch of fun activities and events, with the Dominican Youth helping and enjoying the time as well.
We held VBS's and had fun teaching Karate! |
Sometimes the kids get a little crazy during VBS (some of the Americans might have helped them go crazy)!! |
We had a work day during the weekend youth camp. |
And of course a day of fun during camp as well!! |
All in all we had a great time with the Broadway youth!!!
Three days later the group of adults from two churches in Matoon, IL came to help as well!
They spent some time painting. |
Ok, they spent lots of time painting!! |
I mean a lot of time painting!! |
We also took some time to visit and pray for some important areas in the ministry in Higuey!! |
And some of the locals kids tried to ¨help¨ us paint as well!! |
All the painting really paid off and helped the Higuey church a bunch!!!!
Thank you all for coming down and helping the way that you did!!! It was a huge help that will be felt by the people here for a long while to come!!
And now I am in Costa Rica with my future bride!!!!! We are hard at work trying to plan a wedding in two languages that all will enjoy and feel a part of. It has been a challenge to do this with a budget of a missionary and an out of work professor, but we are making it work and hopefully will create a wedding for all to remember for a life time!!! Thank you all for your continued prayers and support!!! Me and Jone love you all and thank God for the help that you have given us to help make our dreams come true!!!